Monday, December 16, 2013



To see the actual package Ed made for News 7 click here:

and select Thursday December 12th News Cast and the story's called VT AED Problems

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cold Prevention

The common  head cold is known to leave you with symptoms such as a cough, a sore or itchy throat, a low-grade fever, fatigue, congestion, slight body aches, a mild headache, and watery eyes, but is it possible for the cold to be altering the way we think and learn?
“Feelings of malaise, low mood and muddled thinking go hand-in-hand with having a cold and may be due to changes deep inside the brain instead of the cold symptoms themselves.” says a study in Brain, Behavior and Immunity. According to the research the common cold is found to have an affect on an individuals level of attention. It also shows that the common cold affects behavior and cognitive function.
A study where scientists compared mental functioning before and after head colds in 189 men and women from the U.K. explains how having a cold can result in reduced alertness, psycho-motor slowing, slower encoding of new information and slower memory speed.
The research done proves that the common cold is affecting our brains ability to learn, so is it acceptable for a student to miss school or an employee to miss work because of this?
Recently students from Lyndon State College were asked to provide their opinions, if the common cold has had an effect on their overall academic performance.
“I think I should miss school because I'm sick PERIOD, why go to class feeling like that? Especially knowing that others could catch what I had” said Marcus Bessette a freshman at Lyndon State College.
Marcus was asked if he felt that the cold was affecting his ability to learn, “The Brown House (an on-campus health facility) doesn’t usually give excused absent notes for the common cold…but because I felt like I would be unable to learn and participate I just didn’t go. Now I’m suffering in my classes and could be looking at a failing grade.”
Lyndon State College is one of many schools where having the common cold doesn’t serve as an acceptable excuse to miss class. However, due to the research it is now obvious that a student should be allowed an excused absence and a chance to at least make up the missed work.
Allowing this accommodation would give many students relief. However, every school has its slackers that would take advantage of and abuse this suggested new accommodation.
Despite the common cold being enough to affect your brains ability to learn, there still is next to nothing that a school or institution can do to accommodate the needs of everyone.
The best way to ensure that you don’t miss any classes is to steer clear of the common cold and  to know the ways in which can prevent it.